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Duck Englishfounder & headteacher

About us

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Lera Steblevsky

Duck English founder & headteacher

Duck English – it's not just about learning English. It's about people and how the language transforms their lives
Duck English

We don't fool around during lessons, neither do we believe in studying without homework. We don't promise that in three weeks you will be able to speak like a native speaker. What we promise, though, are results. And not just any results, but such great results that will impact your life, lead you to your goals, and help you fulfill your dreams.

Duck English

We could have put a standard text about us written by a copywriter, or I could have written it myself, but...

we decided that the fairest thing would be if the most important people tell about us - the people who I created Duck English for - our students.

Students About Us





how long7 months

CEFRB1 Intermediate

who we are

First of all, you’re passionate about what you do and have a deep understanding of all the nuances of the English language. You are focused on achieving results, and during the lessons, every moment is used with maximum efficiency: no small talk or informal communication, which helps maintain a professional distance and discipline. The teachers are highly disciplined: classes start on time, homework is always checked before the lesson, and materials are made available in advance of each session.

who we are for

For the patient and capable of waiting - first, for the teacher's availability (which may take several months), and then for a high-quality result, which will also require a lot of independent work. It's for those who are ready to accept the rules and strictly adhere to them. For those who can handle their ego and, after several years of studying on Advanced courses, accept that they may continue from an Intermediate level, and it won’t be easy.

what we give

A thoroughly designed program for each student based on their current knowledge, personality, and learning pace. Emphasis on a significant amount of conversational practice, which greatly boosts self-confidence and enables a more relaxed use of the language in everyday life. The opportunity to make mistakes, which will be promptly corrected, and the details of the correct answer will be explored in depth to ensure full comprehension. Attention to subtleties of language usage, which are, on the one hand, relatively simple but, on the other hand, allow for better understanding and expressing one's own thoughts more effectively.





how long4 months

CEFRA1 Elementary

who we are

You are professionals, people who love their job, people who care, and with such individuals, success in any endeavor is guaranteed.

who we are for

For everyone who wants to achieve results and learn how to use the language. The ability to apply your knowledge is an important skill, and you help train and improve it in every lesson.

what we give

Results! Attention to detail in the lessons, a focus on quality and outcomes. Homework that is meticulously reviewed, and you always receive high-quality explanations of your mistakes or questions.





how long7 months

CEFRA2 Pre-Intermediate

who we are

A school where you feel eager to learn and willingly tackle a mountain of homework, even when you're pressed for time, tired, and have a pile of other tasks on your plate.

who we are for

For those who want to notice significant improvements in their English skills every 3-4 months.

what we give

A well-packaged program with a truly in-depth exploration of each topic from all angles, and a teacher who helps you thoroughly understand the material rather than just skim through it.





how long3 months

CEFRB1 Intermediate

who we are

It is a team of professionals who know how to teach English, take their responsibilities seriously, and instill the same commitment in their students. This is a school that offers fully remote learning: all materials are available from various sources for both lessons and homework. When studying at the school, you can expect substitutes in case a teacher cannot conduct a lesson.

who we are for

For people who want to learn English, for those who expect results and are willing to work for them. The classes at this school should be seen not as pleasant chats with the teacher but rather as collaborative work towards a common goal. You need to be prepared for discipline because the volume and pace of the lessons are such that you can't skip a week and hope to catch up on everything the next time.

what we give

The lessons help you consciously use English, organize your knowledge, and acquire new skills. If you've been learning the language passively and relying on grammar rules like "it sounds better this way," these lessons will help you clearly understand whether you're speaking correctly or not. After the first month of lessons, I noticed how my speech became more coherent and logical, and I no longer got stuck at the end of sentences. These positive changes foster an interest in the language, and when you come across new words, you genuinely want to remember and use them, rather than postponing them for a later time.





how long1 year 8 months

CEFRB1+ Intermediate

who are we

People who have established an English language school that can be described as challenging, expensive, and absolutely fantastic. Teachers who possess a deep understanding and love for the English language and are skilled in communication and teaching.

who we are for

For those who have come to realize that learning a language in just 3 months, and without any effort, is impossible. They are ready to invest their energy and time consistently for an extended period until they achieve their goals.

what we give

An awe-inspiring educational process. This includes a tailored learning program designed to suit each student’s specific needs; focused and engaging lessons that challenge and captivate; homework assignments; and a strong emphasis on addressing weaknesses. Essentially, you take on all the cognitive load of planning the process, leaving your students with the simple task of following instructions and, after a while, witnessing amazing results.





how long8 months

CEFRA2 Pre-Intermediate

who we are

An English language school that is focused on acquiring knowledge and achieving results, providing you with all the tools to conquer the English language. Strict, but effective.

who we are for

For people who want to finally learn to read, write, listen, understand, and speak in English. For those who genuinely want to learn the language and are willing to put in the effort.

what we give

An individual program and approach. A great teacher who will guide you through all aspects of the language and help you master it.





how long4 months

CEFRА1 Elementary

who we are

Duck School is Lera, who brings together within the school a group of dedicated, qualified teachers. It's a professional team that, in addition to teaching students, collaborates with each other and has the opportunity to enhance their teaching experience. These are individuals who, based on the desired goal, can create a plan and estimate the time needed to achieve results. And the result is the primary goal of the school.

who we are for

For everyone who is ready to invest a significant amount of time in language learning and make it a part of their daily routine.

what we give

The school provides an effective educational experience. At the core of this effectiveness is strict discipline, which makes the systematic study of the language a habit and skill. The ultimate goal is achieved through long-term efforts – it's challenging – but the school doesn't let you drown in uncertainty and fears; it encourages you to feel the joy of small victories and continue following the plan systematically.





how long2 years

CEFRB2 Upper-Intermediate

who we are

Highly qualified teachers with a common idea and vision of the process, who are passionate about their work and do everything in their power to educate and progress their students.

who we are for

For those who have lost hope of learning the language, tired of endless incompetence and never-ending learning leading nowhere. For people who don't want to waste their precious time and value it. For those who are willing to work and invest just as much as every teacher in the team does.

what we give

Knowledge, consistency, perseverance, high-quality education, and that coveted result – the ability to use the language.





how long2 years и 6 months

levelB2 Upper-Intermediate (FCE 2020)

who we are

You and your team are not just people who want to teach some English for money. You are all top-tier professionals who consider each of your students as the outcome of your hard and meticulous work. As a result, every teacher in the school prepares diligently for each lesson, continues to improve their own skills, and always strives to help their student become better.

what we give

Primarily for those who have firmly decided not just to know English, but to use it in everyday life. Whether it's for communication, work, or teaching others new skills, it doesn't matter. What's important is to understand that this school not only provides high results but also demands commitment. So if you're not entirely sure that you're ready to invest in your education not just with money but also with time and effort, then no one can help you.

what we give

You offer more than just knowledge of English, any school can provide that. You offer the ability to use English as a tool for communication and interaction. Each teacher strives to make English a student's second language. But that's not all; you provide substantial progress in language proficiency, where a person starting at A1 or A2, after a year of study, can comfortably communicate at B1 level or higher. Passing an exam for you is not just about memorizing what to say and do; it's another opportunity to practice living and natural English, which will be useful even after confirming the proficiency level.





how long6 months

CEFRА2 Pre-Intermediate

who we are

My introduction to Lera began on Twitter. Her deep explanations of complex (as it seemed to me) English language rules in simple terms are what prompted me to follow Lera and later become one of the hundreds of people awaiting their turn. I studied with Lera for 6 months and saw in her a professional, someone who loves English with all her heart, loves improving her students, and loves cats. I miss our lessons. I'm not familiar with the teachers at the school, but I'm confident that Lera's approach is fully embodied in her team, and these folks share her vision of education.

who we are for

This is for students who want to reach a real level of language proficiency, who are willing to work diligently in class and on homework, challenge themselves, and, together with their teachers, achieve their goals. This is the school for anyone who needs English once and for all. This school will be the ultimate place for language learning, and there will be no need for other courses or tutors.

что мы даём?

Interesting assignments, cool lesson materials selected from various textbooks, substantial homework, reinforcement of the material covered, a great sense of humor from the teacher, an atmosphere of complete immersion in learning, and the values of a 'healthy person'.





how long2 года


who are we

Duck English is a team of awesome, passionate people who really know how to unveil the world of English from all angles. They've got the best assignments from a whole bunch of sources, a wide variety of class formats, modern vocabulary, and 100% professionalism that they never stop improving!

who we are for

It's the perfect place for those who know exactly why they're learning – whether it's for those tentative attempts at small talk with strangers in another country, a career in an international company, or reaching some linguistic heights! If you approach it seriously, you'll love it. Of course, the team will be there to support you because everyone gets tired, and motivation might wane. But only by knowing your goal can you achieve it.

what we give

This school combines a strict approach to discipline, engaging class topics, and amazing results. You'll have all sorts of homework assignments, some that let your imagination run wild and others that demand a firm grasp and commitment to learning once and for all – because there's no other way around it. Just trust the team and work really, really hard :) and you'll make it!





how long1 year 2 months

CEFRB1 Intermediate

who we are

It's a school with a scientific and conscious approach to learning English 🙂 (similar to evidence-based medicine).

who we are for

For those who are tired of the constant change of teachers and the lack of progress in learning. For those who want to have confidence in their teachers and are ready to follow all their requirements and do their homework.

what we give

A permanent teacher, a deep understanding of the language and its capabilities, using an individual comprehensive approach to curriculum development.




status graduate

how long2 years

CEFRС1 Advanced

who we are

An English school focused on results. Each teacher is highly proficient in English and creates individual programs. Learning here is not about draining money in a mass-produced way, but about improving your language skills with a predictable and, most importantly, achievable outcome. You won't stay at the same level without noticeable progress. If you have the belief that language learning isn't for you, this school will dispel that misconception if you are willing to work

who we are for

For those who understand why they need the language and are willing to do everything necessary to learn it, the price might seem high. However, based on my experience and the experiences of other students I've had the chance to talk to, this is the best investment in learning English. Since the school has high standards for its teachers, students are expected to diligently complete assignments. If you're someone who enjoys not doing homework and skipping classes, then this place is definitely not for you.

what we give

Duck English not only provides knowledge but also teaches and trains you to apply it correctly. Because knowing the language means being able to use it fluently and express yourself clearly. Moreover, since the lesson plans are individualized for each student, you can easily understand which stage you are at and how much more you need to learn and practice to reach your desired level. Additionally, if a student wants to assess their knowledge through an exam, the teachers will gladly assist you with that.





how long8 months

CEFRB2 Upper-Intermediate

who we are

A united team of professionals, working together for the success of each student. Those who won't tolerate imperfections, first and foremost in themselves, and then in their students.

who we are for

For those who have a specific goal in language learning, who understand what they need and why. For those who value their time.

what we give

Guaranteed work with professionals whose expertise you can trust. Achieving results within a reasonable and limited timeframe. Growing confidence in communicating in English with each session.





how long2 years

CEFRB2 Upper-Intermediate

who we are

A team of teachers who are all about helping you level up in English. Your tutor will be your guide in the world of the English language, teaching you the ropes, and always ready to lend a hand when you struggle.

who we are for

For anyone ready to invest in their own growth. Whether you're an IT whiz or not, knowing the basics means you can unlock any domain. The key here is the drive to improve and grinding for those sweet, sweet results.

what we give

Customized English courses that are totally in sync with your unique style and speed. Every lesson will be well-planned, with handpicked materials and on-point error-correction. By the time you finish the course, you'll not only know a lot about the language and how things work, but you'll also be a pro at applying this knowledge in any situation.





how long8 months

CEFRB1 Intermediate

who we are

You are a school that truly delivers visible results. Many people can attend various courses or tutors who promise results in 3 months and still remain at the same level or only improve their grammar without speaking. You offer realistic learning timelines with visible results in just a couple of months. I reached B1 level and filled all my gaps in A2 within 8 months. I consider this a fast result.

who we are for

For those who want to 'learn English once and for all,' but it will require dedicating a significant amount of time not only to the lessons but also to homework. It's also essential to consistently meet deadlines; otherwise, the pace and effectiveness decrease. The result depends not only 100% on the school but equally on both the school and the student.

what we give

The school genuinely provides noticeable improvement in English within reasonable timeframes. The learning format is diverse and covers all aspects of the language. Before the course, I couldn't speak at all, but here I quickly got rid of the language barrier, and I no longer fear starting conversations with foreigners.





how long10 months

CEFRА2 Pre-Intermediate

who we are

This is, first and foremost, an opportunity to actually speak in English, not just to go through the motions, like saying, 'Well, I'm learning a language, yeah.'

who we are for

For those who have a clear goal and are ready to work for it. Yes, there will be work to do; miracles don't happen. But when you have a teacher who really wants to help you, who customizes a detailed plan for each lesson specifically for you, sincerely supports and motivates you, this process becomes enjoyable.

what we give

For me personally, the lessons gave me tremendous self-confidence, especially when I was able to effortlessly and comfortably communicate with people in another country.





how long15 months

levelС2 Proficiency

who are we

A unique English school tailored specifically for Russian speakers, unmatched within the Russian-speaking market.

who we are for

You’re for those committed to elevating their English skills and ready to put in the hard work. In mere a lesson with a tutor from your team, you'll acquire a wealth of knowledge. This includes personalized monologues, with our teachers transcribing and correcting your speech, in-depth exploration of any language aspects you're curious about, thorough homework reviews, and engaging conversations. Here, mistakes aren't shamed but are used as stepping stones for constructive language feedback.

what we give

You help achieve results that correspond to your students’ goals. The teachers craft individual programs based on one’s proficiency level and specific objectives for improving your English. The end result often exceeds your initial goal, as your teachers take a holistic approach to your language improvement. For instance, if you set out to enhance your conversation skills, you might be pleasantly surprised to find yourself passing an exam and getting a C2 certificate. And the best part? It's all incredibly fun!





how long6 months

CEFRА2 Pre-Intermediate

who we are

It's a team of individuals who are exceptionally good at teaching the language. The teachers are highly proficient in the language and excel at teaching it.

who we are for

For those who have truly decided to resolve their English language issues. I'll explain: the key here is "decided." It can be challenging to get in with these folks (there are waiting lists), and it may seem more expensive than the average way of "learning English." But that's okay when you've firmly decided that it's time to achieve results.

what we give

I value the process: it's like working with a sports coach - setting goals, making agreements, and moving forward together. The teacher is interested in the result, not just "passing the time." It's a process where you won't regret investing your efforts. Moreover, it's a process in which I feel super comfortable making mistakes, receiving feedback and corrections, and consistently improving.





how long7 months

CEFRA2 Pre-Intermediate

who we are

Professionals with a deep understanding of and affection for the English language. Individuals with a distinct approach, a set of principles, and guidelines they adhere to. As enthusiasts, you are committed to your own development, constantly exploring and discovering innovative methods to share knowledge. Your team stakes its reputation on the quality of their results. Getting a place at your school is no small feat – it took me over a year of engaging in an exhilarating 'snatch-a-slot' challenge, but the endeavor was truly worth it.

who we are for

Duck School curriculum involves an extensive amount of English speaking. Each error you make will be noticed and addressed promptly, and discussions on unrelated topics will incorporate material you've previously learned. Writing and homework completion are a big part of the process, and preparation and hard work are expected. There will be a significant workload. This isn't the place for those looking to fill their spare time with casual chats in Russian or those who don't deem it necessary to complete assignments and attend all classes. And if you prefer listening over speaking, this most certainly isn't the place for you.

what we give

You promise and deliver quality outcomes within a pre-agreed timeframe. This was particularly important to me, as I've seen people around me languishing for years at a basic level, spending time and money with little to no results. It's this very reason that drove me to avoid conventional language schools and seek out a teacher with a unique and effective approach. Here, I found a structured approach, a focus on progress, and a clear commitment to results. Soon, I found myself unexpectedly immersed in an English-speaking environment. The school deserves significant credit for equipping me with the ability to understand and speak English without constantly second-guessing my vocabulary and pronunciation.





how long1 year

CEFRС1 Advanced

who we are

This is a school where competent teachers work, who truly know the language and are genuinely interested in your results. Here, they really want (!!!) to teach you something (and they will if you also make an effort), don't give unrealistic expectations (like 'from scratch to B2 in six months'), and that's really great! The atmosphere in the classes is always wonderful - it encourages dialogue: you can joke, sometimes pour your heart out (in English, of course), and they will understand you :)

who we are for

For people sincerely interested in learning the English language; for those who are results-oriented and genuinely want to integrate English into their lives, confidently speak the language, overcome language barriers, and raise their level or pass a language exam. The main things you need are motivation, a goal, and the time to make the necessary effort and work consistently to achieve results. They will help you with the rest.

what we give

Immersion in the language, cool and modern authentic materials, a comprehensive approach to improving your level, lots (and I mean a lot!) of speaking practice: you won't stay silent for sure (personally, I came with a language barrier, but it disappeared after some time, and it was an indescribable joy for me) – you just stop noticing that you're talking almost non-stop throughout the whole lesson, using new vocabulary and grammar, even if you used to be afraid to say more than two or three sentences. However, it's worth noting that achieving results will require quite a bit of effort. The teacher isn't a magician; they can't do everything for you. But if you're willing to work, your efforts will definitely pay off!





how long 2 years

CEFRB2 Upper-Intermediate

who we are

You are a school that aims for quality, and the educational requirements are set up for productive work from the very first lessons. Sometimes it seems that your main goal is to enjoy the work you've done, and you get even more pleasure from a student's successes than the student themselves.

who we are for

You are for those who clearly know why they need the language, who can endure and listen, who aim to reach an entirely different level of language use after months of weekly long-hour work, for those who are motivated by a strict approach to learning, who have at least 8 hours of free time for lessons, doing homework, reading books, and reviewing covered material. It's probably not for those for whom English is just a hobby.

what we give

Lessons where the teacher requires the student to speak, ask questions, listen to others speak, understand theory, analyze mistakes, and use vocabulary consistent with the level being studied. You deliver results that can't be seen after just a week of study, but are undeniable after several months. You offer the opportunity to experience the joy of reading your first book or watching your first series in its original language.





how long7 months

CEFRB1 Intermediate

who we are

People who love their work and excel at it better than anyone else. I would even say that you are passionate about your work and live it, just like any true professional. And that's precisely why you aim to assemble a team of such professionals and do what you do for those who truly appreciate it.

who we are for

For those who strive for results rather than talking about how much homework they've done or how much time/money they spend in pursuit of their goals. And for those who are willing to work hard and diligently to improve their language skills. Of course, this is for people with a high level of self-discipline and a clear understanding of why they need the language in the first place.

what we give

A system that allows you to organize everything in such a way that it can be used, rather than just solving tests. Most importantly, you provide the confidence that as a student, I know exactly what, how, when, and why to use in the language.





how long1 year и 8 months

CEFRC1 Advanced

who we are

You guys are a school and a pro team. You’ve given me the best educational experience I've ever had. There's no chasing after resources, no dancing to the teacher's tune, or fighting for attention and learning time. With you, it's all about learning, plain and simple. I trust you completely with my English learning journey.

Who we are for

For dedicated, focused students who are serious about learning and mastering the language. For those who believe learning is not just about having fun, chitchatting, or playing games. Your students are hard on themselves and expect the same from their tutors — it’s a two-way street! Personally, I'm all about clear goals in life and knowing how to reach them, so your school is a perfect match for people like me.

what we give

Knowledge and the confidence to own it. No more of that second-guessing, like, "Is this the right preposition?" or "Should I use an infinitive or gerund here?” — that’s how I spoke for years but no one bothered to correct or confirm it. You also nail it with a sensible workload and effective class engagement. Homework is well-balanced, with enough tasks that can be done independently for good practice, and in the classroom, everyone pulls their weight to get the best results.





how long8 months

CEFRB1 Intermediate

who we are

An English school where true professionals are at work. These are perfectionists who genuinely love what they do and are deeply invested in the success of their students. Sometimes, it even seems like my teacher is more interested in my progress than I am myself.

who we are for

For people who know exactly why they want to learn English and who are responsible and motivated enough to adhere to a pre-discussed learning plan throughout the entire course without giving up midway. Those who seek real results and are willing to put in the effort to achieve them. Specifically, this is for those who, after numerous unsuccessful attempts at learning, have lost hope of making progress and are determined to finally succeed.

what we give

A systematic approach to learning the English language that includes all its aspects, from grammar to listening comprehension and pronunciation. Here, there are no questions like "where did we leave off?" or "have we covered this already?" because the teacher keeps track of your progress and creates a summary of your learning journey. This way, they have a precise understanding of what you should already know at any given moment and what you might still need to learn.


Master Your English Once And For All

With Our Help

